Charles grew up in Northeast Ohio, started his legal career as a judicial law clerk in Houston, Texas, and has been in Birmingham since 2014. For most of his time in private practice, he litigated complex commercial disputes and governmental enforcement actions across the country with a large, Southeast-based law firm. He came to Fortif in 2022, both to continue his litigation and dispute resolution practice and to offer innovative and efficient guidance to clients seeking solutions outside the courtroom.
Clients in health care, publishing, financial services, retail and hospitality, and manufacturing rely on his problem-solving skills. Charles sees persuasive writing, dogged fact-finding and analysis, and, most importantly, an appreciation for how his clients’ businesses operate as the keys to positive outcomes. At times, that means taking the cases up through the state or federal courts of appeals; at others, that means executing a strategy to avoid litigation altogether.
Charles and his wife Susan live in Bluff Park with their three children, all of whom brighten his life in their own ways.
“As lawyers in this dynamic community of businesses, ideas, and people, we are both humbled and privileged to play our part in something that existed before we got here and will continue long after we are gone.”